Leon Elliott

About Me
Understanding Business Challenges

When it comes to creating a successful company, there are a lot of things that you have to think about. For starters, you have to pay attention to the writing on the wall and avoid problems that could occur along the way. You also have to focus on understanding business challenges and making things right from the beginning, which is easier said than done. As a business enthusiast, I love the idea of creating strong, viable businesses that will stand the test of time. Check out this blog for great information about businesses and making your company incredible. Check it out!


Offer New Greening And Healthy Plumbing Products That Residential And Commercial Customers Want

21 April 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

When the greening of just about every business started in America, it was no surprise that plumbing services would dive into the trend, and they did. Today with so many new service trends in the industry,  overall commercial and residential clients clamor for innovative state-of-the art services that are not only business-friendly but kind to the environment as well. The greening of plumbing companies is not a fad that will fade away. Read More …

Getting Your First Office Space? 3 Tips To Keep Your Operating Costs To A Minimum

3 March 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

Whether you have been in business for a while or you are starting out and renting an office space is the beginning, you must understand the seriousness of making a long-term commitment to your company. It is fine to accrue considerable operating costs when your profit margins are impressive, but you do not want a slow month or two to prevent you from being able to keep up with your monthly expenses. Read More …

Three Ways To Increase Employee Satisfaction In Any Industry

7 February 2017
 Categories: Business, Articles

Regardless of the type of business you run, it's essential that you make sure your employees are kept happy and satisfied in their positions. After all, studies indicate that happy employees are 12% more productive -- and happiness is so important to employees that 36% of them would give up $5,000 a year in salary in order to be happier in the workplace. As you can see, taking the time to focus on employee happiness will pay off in the long run. Read More …

How To Organize Your Office In A Single Afternoon

23 August 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Walking into an office that is filled with stacks of papers may give the illusion that your employees are keeping busy, but being disorganized is actually having an impact on overall productivity. By contrast, organized offices are better for processing paperwork, archiving documents, pulling up files, and are also less prone to losing information. If you want to organize your office but you are overwhelmed, read below to find out how you can get one of your biggest goals accomplished in a single day. Read More …

Storage Tips For Canoes

18 August 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

Canoes are an investment, which means you want to protect them during the winter and off-season. This means storing them indoors. You don't have to move your car to put the canoe in the garage, though. Your storage unit is an excellent place to keep your canoe. The following tips will help you store it safely. Tip #1: Invest in a stand A canoe stand allows you to store your canoe while it is resting on its gunwales, which prevents the canoe from warping or becoming damaged. Read More …